LLILAS Professional Development Awards
The Institute has limited funds to support graduate student travel to present work in a professional setting. The awards cover the cost of travel and should not to exceed a total of $1,000. Funding is based on availability and past student travel support. Request for travel proposals will be announced via email and an application will be required.
Calls for travel awards are requested for Fall (October – January) and Spring/summer travel (February – August). Fall applications are due October 15; Spring/summer applications are due January 31.
Applications for travel funding will not be considered outside of the application period.
Graduate School Professional Development Awards
Graduate School Professional Development Awards may be used to cover the cost of students formally invited to present their work or speak on a panel. Awards are between $250-$500, based on the availability of funds. Announcements regarding GS PDAs will be sent out via email and will be awarded based on availability and equitability.