Welcome to the Mothers And careGivers Investing in Children (MAGIC) Study!
The MAGIC study, led by Dr. Beth Widen and Dr. Deborah Jacobvitz, intends to support infant feeding during the first 2 years of life. The MAGIC program offers tailored coaching for breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, complementary feeding, and responsive feeding for parents and caregivers. The program combines virtual and in-person sessions at the Dell Pediatric Research Institute and the Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building at The University of Texas at Austin.
For more information on the study, please visit our “About” page.
Are you interested in participating?
If you are already enrolled in the MAGIC study please visit our participants’ website
What are we interested in?
Infant Feeding and Health
Infant feeding and health are the practices and conditions that support a baby’s nutrition, growth, and overall well-being. It includes breastfeeding, formula feeding, and the introduction of solid foods.