Peer-Reviewed Publications
Nanopatterned logo of the Texas Longhorns athletic team on [P6,6,6,14][DEHP]-functionalized steel surface
on Advanced Functional Materials!
- H.-M. Lien, N. Molina, A. Lizaola, M. Chandross, F. Mangolini, Effect of Annealing on the Tribological Behavior of Zirconium-Based Bulk Metallic Glass. APL Materials, 13, 011111 2025
- J. Yan, S.N. Lak, E.B. Pentzer, F. Mangolini, Multi-Component Lubricant Additives Derived from Pickering Emulsion-Templated Ionic Liquid Microcapsules. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 422, 126917, 2025
- D.K. Kiboi, E. Hansen, J. Ross, M. Coleman, F. Mangolini, P. Iglesias, Lubricating Ability of a Choline-Amino Acid Ionic Liquid as Neat Lubricant and Additive to a Non-Polar Oil. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2024, Portland, Oregon, November 2024
- H.L. Cater, M.J. Allen, M.I. Linnell, A.K. Rylski, Y. Wu, H.-M. Lien, F. Mangolini, B.D. Freeman, Z.A. Page, Supersoft Norbornene-Based Thermoplatic Elastomer with High Strength and Upper Service Temperature. Advanced Materials, 36 (30), 2402431, 2024
- C.E. Edwards, H.-M. Lien, N. Molina, F. Mangolini, Effect of Europium and Gadolinium Alloying Elements on the Tribological Response of Low Hydrogen Content Amorphous Carbon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (22), 29314–29323, 2024
- C.E. Edwards, T.F. Babuska, J.F. Curry, F.W. DelRio, J.P. Killgore, B.L. Boyce, H-M. Lien, M.T. Dugger, F. Mangolini, Tunable Amorphous Carbon Films Formed on Ultralow Wear, Pt-Au Alloys. Carbon, 226, 1129220, 2024
- N. Molina, F. Mangolini, Establishing Links Between Storage Environmental Conditions, Annealing Parameters, and Water Mobility in Molybdenum Disulfide Coatings. Tribology & Lubrication Technology, accepted, 2024
- O.M. Johnson, F. Mangolini, Effect of Camera Parallax Angle on the Accuracy of Static Contact Angle Measurements. Langmuir, 40 (10), 5090-5097, 2024
- H.-M. Lien, M. Chandross, F. Mangolini, Spectroscopic Evaluation of Tribologically-induced Changes in Surface Chemistry of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass. Applied Surface Science, 160014, 2024
- Z. Li, J.T. Sadowski, A. Dolocan, F. Mangolini, Ionic Liquid-Mediated Scanning Probe Electro-Oxidative Lithography as a Novel Tool for Engineering Functional Oxide Micro- and Nano-Architectures, Advanced Functional Materials, 33(47), 2306660, 2023
- R. Chrostowski, J. Curry, M. Dugger, N. Molina, T. Babuska, H. Celio, A. Dolocan, F. Mangolini, Spectroscopic Evaluation of the Surface Chemical Processes Occurring in MoS2 upon Aging, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(30), 37047-37058, 2023
- J. Yan, F. Mangolini, Polymer-Encapsulated Ionic Liquids as Lubricant Additives in Non-Polar Oils, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 383, 122089, 2023
- J. Yan, H-M. Lien, F. Mangolini, Linking Molecular Structure and Lubrication Mechanisms in Tetraalkylammonium Orthoborate Ionic Liquids, Tribology Letters, 71, 41, 2023
- W. DelRio, F. Mangolini, C. Edwards, T.F. Babuska, D.P. Adams, P. Lu, J.F. Curry, Revealing the Structure-Property Relationships of Amorphous Carbon Tribofilms on Platinum-Gold Surfaces, Wear, 522, 204690, 2023
- J. Allen, H-M. Lien, N. Prine, C. Burns, A. Rylski, X. Gu, L. Cox, F. Mangolini, B.D. Freeman, Z.A. Page, Multimorphic Materials: Spatially Tailoring Mechanical Properties via Selective Initiation of Interpenetrating Polymer Networks, Advanced Materials, 35 (9), 2210208, 2023
- Chowdhury, A. Roy, Md H. Alam, T. Pramanik, J. Depoy, R. Chrostowski, F. Mangolini, D. Akinwande, S. Banerjee, Role of Hydrogen in Suppressing Secondary Nucleation in Chemical Vapor Deposited MoS2, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4 (12), 6133-6141, 2022
- M. Dao, S. Sahakijpijarn, R.R. Chrostowski, H-H. Peng, C. Moon, H. Xu, F. Mangolini, H.H. Do, Z. Cui, R.O. Williams III, Entraptment of Air Microbubbles by Ice Crystals During Freezing Exacerbates Freeze-Induced Denaturation of Proteins, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 628, 122306, 2022
- Babuska, J.F. Curry, M.T. Dugger, M.R. Jones, F. Del Rio, P. Lu, Y. Xin, T. Grejtak, R. Chrostowski, F. Mangolini, N.C. Strandwitz, Md. I. Chowdhury, G.L. Doll, B.A. Krick, Quality Control Metrics to Assess MoS2 Sputtered Films for Tribological Applications, Tribology Letters, 70, 103, 2022
- Chrostowski, F. Mangolini, On the Nature and Propagation of Errors in Roughness Parameters Obtained from Spectral Analysis of Atomic Force Microscopy Topographic Images, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 40, 053204, 2022
- Li, J. Z. Ye, J. Yan, N.A.V. Molina, H-M. Lien, R. Chrostowksi, C. Jaye, J. Lin, F. Streller, F. Mangolini, Effect of Tribologically-Induced Changes in Surface Termination on the Protein-Resistance of Silicon-Containing Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings, Carbon, 199, 132-140, 2022
- H.M. Dao, S. Sahakijpijarn, R.R. Chrostowski, C. Moon, F. Mangolini, Z. Cui, R.O. Williams III, Aggregation of Lactoferrin Caused by Droplet Atomization Process via Two-Fluid Nozzle: The Detrimental Effect of Air-Water Interfaces, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 19 (7), 2662-2675, 202
- Z. Chen, Z. Li, W. Zhao, R.A. Matsumoto, M.W. Thompson, O. Morales-Collazo, P.T. Cummings, F. Mangolini, J.F. Brennecke, Investigation of Multilayered Structures of Ionic Liquids on Graphite and Platinum Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Molecular Simulation, Langmuir, 38 (13), 4036-4047, 2022
- M.D. Alam, S. Chowdhury, A. Roy, X. Wu, R. Ge, M. Rodder, J. Chen, Y. Lu, C. Stern, L. Houben, R. Chrostowski, S. Burlison, S.J. Yang, M. Serna, A. Dodabalapur, F. Mangolini, D. Naveh, J.C. Lee, S. Banerjee, J. Warner, D. Akinwande, Wafer-Scalable Single Layer Amorphous Molybdenum Trioxide, ACS Nano, 16 (3), 3756-3767, 2022
- R. Chrostowski, Z. Li, J. Smith, F. Mangolini, Monte-Carlo Evaluation of Bias in Hurst Parameters Derived from Spectral Analysis of Atomic Force Microscopy Images, Applied Surface Science, 581, 152092, 2022
- Z. Li, F. Mangolini, In Situ Nanoscale Evaluation of the Pressure-Dependent Structural Morphology of Phosphonium Phosphate Ionic Liquid, RSC Advances, 12, 413-19, 2022
- J. Yan, F. Mangolini, Tailoring Encapsulated Ionic Liquids for Next-Generation Applications, RSC Advances, 11, 36273-36288, 2021
- Z. Li, H. Celio, A. Dolocan, N.A.V. Molina, J. Kershaw, O. Morales-Collazo, J.F. Brennecke, F. Mangolini, Effect of Bromide Content on the Tribological Performance of Phosphonium Phosphate Ionic Liquid at Steel/Steel Interfaces, Applied Surface Science, 570, 151245, 2021
- A. Kar, P.V. Acharya, A. Bhati, A. Mhadeshwar, P. Venkataraman, T.A. Barckholtz, H. Celio, F. Mangolini, V. Bahadur, Magnesium-promoted ultrafast nucleation of carbon dioxide hydrates, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9 (33), 11137-11146, 2021
- Z. Li, F. Mangolini, Recent Advances in Nanotribology of Ionic Liquids, Experimental Mechanics, 61, 1093-1107, 2021
- F. Mangolini, K.D. Koshigan, M.H. Van Benthem, J.A. Ohlhausen, J.B. McClimon, J. Hilbert, J. Fontaine, R.W. Carpick, How Hydrogen and Oxygen Vapor Affect the Tribochemistry of Silicon- and Oxygen-Containing Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon under Low-Friction Conditions: a Study Combining X-ray Absorption Spectromicroscopy and Data Science Methods, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13 (10), 12610-12621, 2021
- F. Mangolini, Z. Li, M.A. Marcus, R. Schneider, M. Dienwiebel, Quantitative Evaluation of the Carbon Hybridization State in Amorphous Carbon Materials: a Comparison between EELS and NEXAFS Measurements, Carbon, 173, 557, 2021
- Z. Li, A. Dolocan, O. Morales-Collazo, J.T. Sadowski, H. Celio, R. Chrostowki, J.F. Brennecke, F. Mangolini, Lubrication Mechanism of Phosphonium Phosphate Ionic Liquid in Nanoscale Single-Asperity Sliding Contacts, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7 (17), 2000426, 2020
- J.B. McClimon, A.C. Lang, Z. Milne, N. Garabedian, A.C. Moore, J. Hilbert, F. Mangolini, J.R. Lukes, D.L. Burris, M.L. Taheri, J. Fontaine, R.W. Carpick, Investigation of the Mechanics, Composition, and Functional Behavior of Thick Tribofilms Formed from Silicon- and Oxygen-Containing Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon, Tribology Letters, 67, 48, 2019
- F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, J. Segersten, J. Hilbert, P. Heaney, J.R. Lukes, R.W. Carpick, Silicon Oxide-Rich Diamond-Like Carbon: a Conformal, Ultrasmooth Thin Film Material with High Thermo-Oxidative Stability, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6 (2), 1801416, 2019
- F. Mangolini, J. Hilbert, J.B. McClimon, J.R. Lukes, R.W. Carpick, Thermally Induced Structural Evolution of Silicon- and Oxygen-Containing Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon: a Combined Spectroscopic and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Investigation, Langmuir, 34 (9), 2989-2985, 2018
- Hilbert, F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, J.R. Lukes, R.W. Carpick, Si Doping Enhances the Thermal Stability of Diamond-Like Carbon Through Reductions in Carbon-Carbon Bond Length Disorder, Carbon, 131, 72-78, 2018
- F. Mangolini, B.A. Krick, T.D.B. Jacobs, S. Khanal, F. Streller, J.B. McClimon, J. Hilbert, S.V. Prasad, T.W. Scharf, J.A. Ohlhausen, J.R. Lukes, W.G, Sawyer, R.W. Carpick, Effect of Silicon and Oxygen Dopants on the Stability of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon under Harsh Environmental Conditions, Carbon, 130, 127-136, 2018
- Streller, Y. Qi, J. Yang, F. Mangolini, A.M. Rappe, R.W. Carpick, Valence Band Control of Metal Silicide Films Via Stoichiometry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 2573-2578, 2016
- Peng, A. Sergiienko, F. Mangolini, P.E. Stallworth, S. Greenbaum, R.W. Carpick, Solid State Magnetic Resonance Investigation of the Thermally-Induced Structural Evolution of Silicon Oxide-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon, Carbon, 105, 163-175, 2016
- F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, R.W. Carpick, Quantitative Evaluation of the Carbon Hybridization State by Near Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 88 (5), 2817-2824, 2016
- Streller, R. Agarwal, F. Mangolini, R.W. Carpick, Novel Metal Silicide Thin Films by Design via Controlled Solid-State Diffusion, Chemistry of Materials, 27 (12), 4247-4253, 2015
- D. Koshigan†, F. Mangolini†, J.B. McClimon, B. Vacher, S. Bec, R.W. Carpick, J. Fontaine, Understanding the Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas Pressure Dependence of the Tribological Properties of Silicon Oxide-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Coatings, Carbon, 93 (C), 851-860, 2015 († co-first author)
- N. Gosvami, J.A. Bares, F. Mangolini, A.R. Konicek, D.G. Yablon, R.W. Carpick, Mechanisms of Antiwear Tribofilm Growth Revealed In Situ by Single-Asperity Sliding Contacts, Science, 348 (6230), 102-106, 2015
- Feng, A.R. Konicek, N. Moldovan, F. Mangolini, T.D.B. Jacobs, I. Wylie, P.U. Arumugam, S. Siddiqui, R.W. Carpick, J.A. Carlisle, Boron-Doped Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Synthesized with an H-Rich/Ar-Lean Gas System, Carbon, 84, 103-117, 2015
- F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, F. Rose, R.W. Carpick, Accounting for Nanometer-Thick Adventitious Carbon Contamination in X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Carbon-Based Materials, Analytical Chemistry, 86 (24), 12258-12265, 2014
- Rose, N. Wang, R. Smith, Q-F. Xiao, H. Inaba, T. Mastumura, H. Matsumoto, Q. Dai, B. Marchon, F. Mangolini, R.W. Carpick, Complete Characterization by Raman Spectroscopy of the Structural Properties of Thin Hydrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Films Exposed to Rapid Thermal Annealing, Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (12), 123516, 2014
- Streller, G.E. Wabiszewski, F. Mangolini, G. Feng, R.W. Carpick, Tunable, Source-Controlled Formation of Platinum Silicides and Nanogaps from Thin Precursor Films, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1 (3), 1300120, 2014
- F. Mangolini, F. Rose, J. Hilbert, R.W. Carpick, Thermally Induced Evolution of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon, Applied Physics Letters, 103 (16), 161605, 2013
- F. Mangolini, J. Åhlund, G.E. Wabiszewski, V.P. Adiga, P. Egberts, F. Streller, K. Backlund, P.G. Karlsson, B. Wannberg, R.W. Carpick, Angle-Resolved Environmental X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: A New Laboratory Setup for Photoemission Studies at Pressures Up To 0.4 Torr, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 (9), 093112, 2012
- R. Gordon, M. Cargnello, T. Paik, F. Mangolini, R.T. Weber, P. Fornasiero, C.B. Murray, Nonaqueous Synthesis of TiO2 Nanocrystals Using TiF4 to Engineer Morphology, Oxygen Vacancy Concentration, and Photocatalytic Activity, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (15), 6751-6761, 2012
- Crobu, A. Rossi, F. Mangolini, N.D. Spencer, Chain-Length-Identification Strategy in Zinc Polyphosphate Glasses by means of XPS and ToF-SIMS, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403 (5), 1415-1432, 2012
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, Tribochemistry of Triphenyl Phosphorothionate (TPPT) by In Situ Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR/FT-IR) Tribometry, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (9), 5614-5627, 2012
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, In Situ Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR/FT-IR) Tribometry: a Powerful Tool for Investigating Tribochemistry at the Lubricant-Substrate Interface, Tribology Letters, 45 (1), 207-218, 2012
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, Influence of Metallic and Oxidized Iron/steel on the Reactivity of Triphenyl Phosphorothionate in Oil Solution, Tribology International, 44 (6) (special issue on Advances in Boundary Lubrication and Boundary Surface Films), 670-683, 2011
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, Chemical Reactivity of Triphenyl Phosphorothionate (TPPT) with Iron: an ATR/FT-IR and XPS Investigation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (4) (part of the “Alfons Baiker Festschrift”), 1339-1354, 2011
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, Substituent effect on the Reactivity of Alkylated Triphenyl Phosphorothionates in Oil Solution, Tribology Letters, 40 (3), 375-394, 2010
- Crobu, A. Rossi, F. Mangolini, N.D. Spencer, Tribochemistry of Bulk Zinc Metaphosphate Glasses, Tribology Letters, 39 (2), 121-134, 2010
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, Reactivity of Triphenyl Phosphorothionate in Oil Solution, Tribology Letters, 35 (1), 32-43, 2009
- F. Mangolini, L. Magagnin, P.L. Cavallotti, Pulse Plating of Mn–Cu Alloys from a Sulfate Bath, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 85 (1), 2007
- F. Mangolini, L. Magagnin, P.L. Cavallotti, Pulse Plating of Mn–Cu alloys on steel, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 153 (9), C623–C628, 2006
- F. Mangolini, L. Magagnin, P.L. Cavallotti, Elettrodeposizione di leghe Mn–Cu per la protezione catodica degli acciai/Electrodeposition of sacrificial Mn–Cu alloys on steel, Galvanotecnica e nuove finiture, 5, 278–283, 2004
Book Chapters
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, Advances in Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy: a Powerful Tool for Investigating Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces, in L. Sabbatini, Ed., Polymer Surface Characterization, 2nd Ed., De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. December 2021
- F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, Near Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy: a Powerful Tool for Investigating the Surface Structure and Chemistry of Tribological Materials, in M. Dienwiebel and M.I. De Barros-Bouchet, Eds., Advanced Analytical Methods in Modern Tribology, Springer, Berlin, Germany. July 2018
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: a Powerful Tool for Investigating Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces, in L. Sabbatini, Ed., Polymer Surface Characterization, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. July 2014
Conference Proceedings
- W. Carpick, F. Mangolini, J. Hilbert, J.R. Lukes, Thermo-Oxidative Stability of SiOx-doped Diamondlike Carbon Studied Via Environmental XPS and AFM, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20 (S3), 2092-2093, 2013
- F. Mangolini, J. Hilbert, J.R. Lukes, R.W. Carpick, Assessment of the Thermo-Oxidative Stability of Silicon Oxide-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon by In Situ Environmental X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Proceedings World Tribology Congress V, Turin, Italy. September 2013
- F. Mangolini, A. Rossi, N.D. Spencer, Mechanical Stability of Thermal Films Formed on Bearing Steel in the Presence of Environmentally Friendly Additives: an XPS Analytical Study, Proceedings World Tribology Congress IV, Kyoto, Japan. September 2009
Non-refereed Articles
- F. Mangolini, J.B. McClimon, R.W. Carpick, Analisi Quantitativa dello Stato di Ibridizzazione del Carbonio tramite Spettroscopia di Assorbimento a Raggi X, La Chimica e L’Industria, December 2016
- Åhlund, F. Mangolini, R.W. Carpick, XPS on Carbon Films, VG Scienta, Application Note
- Hilbert, F. Mangolini, J.R. Lukes, R.W. Carpick, Experimental and Simulation-Based Investigation of the Thermal Stability of Silicon Oxide-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon, Tribology and Lubrication Technology, March 2014
- Åhlund, F. Mangolini, R.W. Carpick, AR-XPS at Environmental Conditions, VG Scienta, Application Note