The overarching goal of our research is to develop a physically-based understanding of the structural transformations and chemical reactions occurring on material surfaces and at solid/solid, solid/liquid interfaces under extreme environments and conditions far from equilibrium.
The broader impact of this research will be to aid in the rational design and synthesis of new, modified, and improved materials able to withstand harsh conditions, exhibiting improved tribological performance (i.e., low friction and wear), and suitable for a wide range of technological applications (e.g., engines, aerospace components, hard-disk overcoats, films for nanoelectromechanical systems).
Current Research Interests:
- Phase transitions in nanoconfined liquids (link); Development of bio-inert, bio-compatible, and lubricious thin films (responsible student: Jieming Yan)
- Tribologically-induced structural transformations and chemical changes in bulk metallic glass (responsible student: Hsu-Ming Lien)
- Development of in situ surface-analytical approaches to investigate surface and interfacial phenomena (responsible student: Nicolas Molina Vergara)
- MCTool21: Manufacturing of cutting tools for the 21st century (link) (responsible student: Logan J. Kirsch)
- Mechanically-induced surface structural transformations in thin films and metallic materials (link) (responsible student: Camille Edwards)
- Temporal evolution of nanostructures within ionic liquids (responsible student: Owen M. Johnson)
Previous Research Projects:
- Reactivity and Interfacial Properties of Phosphonium Phosphate Ionic Liquid on Steel Surfaces (link) (thesis of Dr. Zixuan Li)
- Prevention of the Aging of Molybdenum Disulfide through Ionic Liquid Infusion (link) (thesis of Dr. Robert Chrostowski)