2018-present: Ph.D. student, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
2014-2017: M.S.E. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
2010-2014: B.S. in Optical Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University
Research Project
Nanotribology of Ionic liquids
Graduate Student Professional Development Award (Oct. 2019)
Second Place Award in Graduate Poster Category at the STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference (Oct. 2019)
George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund, UT Austin (2018)
Master Scholar Award, UPenn (2016)
Filippo Mangolini, Zixuan Li, Matthew A. Marcus, Reinhard Schneider, Martin Dienwiebel, Quantitative Evalutation of the Carbon Hybridization State in Amorphous Carbon Materials: A Comparison between EELS and NEXAFS Measurements. Carbon 2020, 173, 557-564.
Zixuan Li, Andrei Dolocan, Oscar Morales-Collazo, Jerzy T. Sadowski, Hugo Celio, Robert Chrostowski, Joan F. Brennecke, Filippo Mangolini, Lubrication Mechanism of Phosphonium Phosphate Ionic Liquid in Nanoscale Single-Asperity Sliding Contacts. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 7, 2000426.
Ziying Feng, Chen Jiang, Yingying Zeng, Yanshuo Jin, Zixuan Li, Shuoshuo Xu, Hui Shen, Light-Trappinig Structure and Raman Spectra of SiNWs Fabricated by MACE. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 2015 36, 2083-2088.
Zixuan Li, Ying Yu, Ziyu Chen, Tianran Liu, Zhang-Kai Zhou, Jun-Bo Han, Juntao Li, Chongjun Jin, Xuehua Wang, Ultrafast Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Au Triangular Nanoprism with Strong Dipole and Quadrupole Plasmon Resonance J. Phys. Chem. C 2013 117, 20127-20132.
Ziyu Chen, Hongwei Dai, Jiaming Liu, Hui Xu, Zixuan Li, Zhang-Kai Zhou, Jun-Bo Han, Dipole Plasmon Resonance Induced Large Third-order Optical Nonlinearity of Au Triangular Nanoprism in Infrared Region. Opt. Express 2013 21, 17568-17575.