Paton, Fiona. “Beyond Bakhtin: Towards a Cultural Stylistics.” College English, vol. 63, no. 2, 2000, pp. 166–193. JSTOR, JSTOR,
- Language, said Michael Halliday, is a “social semiotic” and as such needs to be studied in terms of the lived experience of its users, rather than as an abstract system of logically consistent rules.
- What is the text’s own rhetorical situation? How can we recover these conditions in any pure, unmediated way? The general shift from textualist to contextualist stylistics
What is the relationship between style and ideology in the literary text?Cultural critics, while brilliantly interrogating the ideological implicatedness of a lit-erary text, rarely engage with its language
- stylisticians, on the other hand, although acknowledging the ideological dimensions of the literary text, rarely move beyond its