South Africa’s energy production sector is fairly concentrated among a few actors. 85% of coal mining (~80% of SA’s energy and 90% of its electricity production) is controlled by five companies. Electricity generation is even more concentrated. Though the state owned Eskom does not have exclusive rights, it does produce… read more
South Africa: is the Future More Coal or Renewables?
The African continent has a lot to lose with regards to future climate change. The twisted irony is that many of these countries are not major contributors to global emissions. However, this cannot be said of South Africa which, at roughly 500 MtCO2e/year, contributes 40% of the continent’s greenhouse gas.… read more
The Birth of Turkey’s Renewable Energy
The National Climate Change Strategy published in 2010 cites long term goals of at 30% of renewable energy in the total electricity production by 2023. (By 2012, the share of installed capacity was increased to 39%. but there is still much growth necessary to meet the intended 2030 total generation… read more