A growing middle class, increasing energy consumption and the quest for energy security. These are the reasons why being the fifth largest producer of wind energy is simply not enough for India. The country currently boasts a capacity of 19 GW, However, according to the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017), India… read more
What does the Indian General Election mean for Climate Change?
As more than 850 million Indians look to elect a new government this year, it is not clear if “election issue” for any of the major political parties. None of the parties have actively campaigned using the climate change or environmental sustainability platform. This is partly a result of issues like economic… read more
Whose forest is it anyway? – Political Barriers to Reducing Emissions from Forests
Continuing from my previous blog post which discussed the technical barriers developing countries face in reducing forestry relation emissions, this blog post will looks at how domestic politics can hamper the adoption of mitigation strategies. Measuring forests, converting forest land and preserving forests are all deeply political acts. Any policy… read more