May 2005
Lauren Greenlee and Bryan McCloskey were both recipients of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. These fellowships are awarded to the top 1000 first or second year graduate students in all fields of science and engineering. Keith Ashcraft and Alyson Sagle achieved honorable mention in these awards. Our congratultions goes out to all of them. It is real honor to have such a number of people recognized.
Scott Kelman and Scott Matteucci were both awarded $1000 travel awards from the North American Membrane Society. They intend to use these awards to attend the NAMS 2005 annual meeting in Providence, Rhode Island.
Roy Raharjo is traveling to Kyoto University in Japan in June to spend 1 month in Professor Toshio Masuda’s laboratories. He will be learning about the synthesis of disubstituted polyacetylenes.