NAMS 2004 Conference
Honolulu, Hawaii 26 – 30th June
Abstracts of Attendees
Conor Braman’s Abstract
Water transport and fouling properties of crosslinked poly(ethylene glycol)
C. Braman, University of Texas at Austin
B. Freeman, University of Texas at Austin
All current ultrafiltration membranes are finely porous and are, therefore, subject to fouling by particulates, organics, and other wastewater components, resulting in a dramatic decline in the water flux (Ho 1999). Our approach to enhancing the severely limited fouling resistance of conventional ultrafiltration membranes is based on coating them with highly water permeable, nonporous, fouling resistant polymers. Crosslinked poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is used as the base material for the coatings because it is highly hydrophilic and has shown resistance to protein attachment (Ostuni 2001). [Read more…] about NAMS Conference, Honolulu, HI. 26 – 30 June 2004