“The partnership between TIEMH and the HHSC Office of Forensic Coordination is an important step towards innovative mental health diversion in the adult and juvenile justice systems, offering opportunities for community success through collaboration and system change.”
In collaboration with the Office of Forensic Coordination, Texas Health and Human Services, TIEMH is supporting initiatives throughout the state of Texas aimed at reducing the number of individuals entering the criminal justice system and more effectively targeting interventions for those who are justice-involved. This includes community and system-level programs and practices focused on evidenced-based interventions to treat serious mental illness, substance use disorders, and intellectual disability disorders that may have previously been a catalyst for criminal justice involvement and ending the cycle of recidivism.
TIEMH supports the OFC with projects related to mental health and wellness practices in the Texas juvenile and adult criminal justice systems including launching the Texas Behavioral Health and Justice Technical Assistance Center website.
Visit the website to learn more about or engage in:
- Texas counties that have completed Sequential Intercept Mapping
- Innovative Diversion Programs across Texas
- Pre-Arrest Diversion Learning Collaborative
- Sequential Intercept Mapping Community of Practice
- Eliminate the Wait
- Innovative programs highlighting best practices in diversion programs
- Juvenile mental health diversion practices
- Re-entry best practices
The Office of Forensic Coordination offers technical assistance related to behavioral health and justice system initiatives. Request Technical Assistance for your community here!
You can also find:
- Links to Events like conferences and webinars
- Local and national news and funding opportunities
- Resources
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