The Southeast MHTTC understands the need for wellness approaches at both the provider level and at the organization level. We are devoted to providing resources and technical assistance to providers looking to enhance personal and professional resilience and to organizations seeking to improve wellness programs, culture, and structures. Learn more about our provider wellness resources by clicking on the links below.
Sari Gillman Series
Naming and Taming the Overwhelm During the Pandemic
Understand the impact of widespread overwhelm in this field. Acknowledge the effects of historical, intergeneration, racial, institutional, climate, political, and pandemic trauma. Recognize the signs of personal overwhelm. Learn key strategies toward overwhelm reduction and recovery that are most helpful during the pandemic. Examine your expectations, needs, vulnerabilities and strengths. Using your core values, develop your support.
Working with Others Who Are Overwhelmed
Protecting your well-being while working with and caring for overwhelmed colleagues and clients. Understand how to create, maintain, and strengthen your self-care plan. Examine the uniquely taxing effects of the pandemic and what self-care skills help most. Manage expectations of yourself and others in the face of widespread overwhelm.
Trauma and Secondary Trauma: Caring for Yourself and Others
Your boundaries have one purpose: to take care of you. Understand the four steps of boundary development, how culture shapes boundaries, and how to become a boundaries expert in your life. Learn the seven patterns and how to bring balance to your own patterns. Learn skills for extreme boundary challenges – especially important during the pandemic.
Developing and Supporting the Boundaries You Need
Your boundaries have one purpose: to take care of you. Understand the four steps of boundary development, how culture shapes boundaries, and how to become a boundaries expert in your life. Learn the seven patterns and how to bring balance to your own patterns. Learn skills for extreme boundary challenges – especially important during the pandemic.
Leading Your Team Through Overwhelm: Prevention and Recovery
While facing the challenges of these times, leaders may notice that almost everyone is either overwhelmed or on the edge of overwhelm. You may not be sure of what to offer an over-taxed team. Self-care and resiliency training will help, but it is not enough to reduce and prevent the current state of overwhelm we are experiencing. In this session, we will dive deeply into understanding overwhelm, set in the context of these times, and explore the proactive strategies leaders can use to help themselves and their teams recover from overwhelm.
Cultural Considerations
“Promoviendo El Bien Estar”: Self-Care Cultural Considerations for Latino/Hispanic Frontline Workers
A detailed view of self-care techniques specific to Latino/Hispanic frontline workers, as well as cultural implications of what self-care means to Latinos/Hispanics.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify and differentiate between stress, burnout and compassion fatigue
- Increase awareness of stressors and triggers
- Identify healthy and unhealthy coping skills (self-nourishment, self-medication & reconnecting)
- Learn about the importance of self-care and identify self-care options.
- Cultural Implications and Considerations of “self-care” within the Latino/Hispanic culture.
- A collaboration webinar between SSW-MHTTC and UT Rio Grande Valley
Dr. Karen Bluth Self-Compassion Series
Self Compassion Series Pt. I: Interrupting Compassion Fatigue
In this session, we will talk about how caring for others, as mental health practitioners do, can cause exhaustion and compassion fatigue. We will present self-compassion as a way in which we can replenish our own emotional energy reserves while caring for others.
Self Compassion Series Pt. II: Defined and Experienced
The concept of self-compassion will be elucidated through an experiential exercise, and the definition of self-compassion will be articulated. Several self-compassion practices will be presented.
Self Compassion Series Pt. III: Experiencing Joy, Gratitude, Savoring and Self-Appreciation
The concept of self-compassion will be elucidated through an experiential exercise, and the definition of self-compassion will be articulated. Several self-compassion practices will be presented.