Celebrating Raquel Getting into Graduate School and Nadia and Skyler Joining the Team Summer 2023

The first graduate students in the lab successfully defend their thesis and graduate! Congrats Drs. Kirsch and Tretyak!!

Research Society on Alcohol Annual Meting 2023

The Lab Returns to Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meting 2022 (First In Person Conference Post Pandemic)

January 2020
- Congratulations to Dylan for getting her paper published in the Adversity and Resilience Science Journal!
L: Valeria Tretyak, Dylan Kirsch, Beth Lippard, Vanessa Le
January 2019
- Beth just published two papers in Journal of Affective Disorders. These studies suggest regional gray and white matter differences that may increase risk for suicide attempts in adolescents with mood disorders. She co-authored a manuscript looking at neural correlates of having a past suicide attempt in adolescents/ young adults and was the lead author on a manuscript that look at neural predictors of future suicide attempts and longitudinal changes in gray and white matter associated with developing suicide-related behavior.
September 2018
- Congratulations to Dylan Kirsch for passing her qualifying exam!
Celebrating Dylan passing her qualifying exam!
July 2018
- Congratulations to Dylan Kirsch for being awarded the Bruce/Jones Graduate Fellowship in Addiction Biology and to Valeria Tretyak for being awarded the Alcohol Training Grant Graduate Fellowship for the upcoming year!
May 2018
- Congratulations to Beth Lippard for being awarded the Chairs Choice Award at the annual Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) meeting in New York!
Beth at SOBP 2018