The Senior Scientist Seminar Series highlights experienced contributors to Dell Med’s scientific research and explores their career paths. The series also explores how clinical research can improve the health of thousands, if not millions, of people at a time.
In this instalment of the Health Transformation Research Institute’s Senior Scientist Seminar Series, William Schwartz, M.D., presents “A Tale From the Neurology Clinic: The Man Who Had an Upside-Down Circadian Clock,” where he will reflect upon his career path and research contributions.
You may access a recording of his extraordinary presentation, “A Tale From the Neurology Clinic: The Man Who Had an Upside-Down Circadian Clock”, here.
The target audience for this event includes staff, students, trainees, faculty, the UT community at large, and those who are interested in learning how science can change the world, as well as those who anticipate having a substantial scope of research activity in their career paths.
About the Speaker
William Schwartz, M.D. is the assistant dean for faculty affairs for Dell Medical School and a professor of neurology and associate chair of research and education in the Department of Neurology. He is also a professor of integrative biology in the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. He practices general neurology and is involved in the mentoring of trainees in basic and clinical neuroscience.
Additionally, he is working on the development of interdisciplinary courses at the intersection of biology and medicine for UT undergraduates, and the approach to patients with neurological disease for Dell Med students and residents.