This installment of the Health Transformation Research Institute’s Senior Scientist Seminar Series features Claudia F. Lucchinetti, M.D. Lucchinetti is the dean of Dell Medical School. She is the senior vice president for medical affairs for The University of Texas at Austin and holds the Frank and Charmaine Denius Distinguished Dean’s Chair in Medical Leadership.
Register to attend the Zoom session.
DATE: Thursday, December 7, 2023
TIME: 12–1 p.m.
Are you curious about how clinical research can improve the health of thousands, if not millions of people at a time? Thinking about devoting time to research in your career? The Senior Scientist Seminar Series highlights experienced contributors to scientific research and explores their career paths.
The target audience for this event includes students, trainees, early career faculty, staff and the UT community at large. Anyone who anticipates having a substantial scope of research activity in their career paths can learn from these experienced scientists.
For more information about the event, email Leta Moser.