Together with colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University and University of Texas at Arlington, IEL organized the first ACM Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Buildings and Cities (RLEM’20) at ACM BuildSys on November 17th, 2020, the details are on Kicked off by an inspiring keynote by Zico Kolter who explored the links between robust control theory and deep reinforcement learning, over 100 participants from academia, national labs and industry, discussed challenges, opportunities and the progress in RL applications for energy management in buildings and cities. Beyond that we have seen the crystallization of a community gathered around this nascent but important topic.
For those of you who missed it, the recording is now available on YouTube
The proceedings are also available on ACM DL:
And for those who want to keep in touch with the community before the next edition, we have established a Slack workspace to continue to build a community of likeminded researchers and engineers that address the grand challenges of RL in building energy management.