Last Friday, 9/29/17, IEL co-organized a symposium on Aging-in-Place with colleagues from Mechanical Engineering (Prof. James Sulzer), Psychology (Prof. David Schnyer) and Nursing (Prof. Li-Chen-Lin). The symposium was kicked off by an inspiring keynote lecture from Kari Lane, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nursing and Gerontology at the Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri. She is also the Operations Director for TigerPlace an independent living community in Columbia, MO. Her talk focused on the sensoring, diagnostics and lessons learned of the TigerPlace facility.
After the keynote lecture, three panels introduced various challenges around Aging-in-Place
- Societal challenges
- Cognitive/physical impairment challenges
- Healthcare system challenges
The symposium was supported by the Cockrell School of Engineering and the CARE Initiative.