The paper on the NEST HiLo module entitled Investigating lightweight construction and adaptive energy systems: the NEST HiLo building has been published in the Journal of Building Engineering. This research is led by the Architecture and Building Systems group and the Block Research Group at ETH Zurich. Abstract: This… read more
Paper in Applied Energy
Our paper entitled Optimising building net energy demand with dynamic BIPV shading led by colleagues at ETH Zurich, has been published in Applied Energy. Abstract The utilisation of a dynamic photovoltaic system for adaptive shading can improve building energy performance by controlling solar heat gains and natural lighting, while simultaneously generating electricity… read more
Paper in Building & Environment
Our paper entitled Occupancy learning-based demand-driven cooling control for office spaces led by colleagues at ETH Zurich, has been published in Building and Environment. Abstract Occupancy in buildings is one of the key factors influencing air-conditioning energy use. Occupant presence and absence are stochastic. However, static operation schedules are widely used by… read more