Demand response, or demand-side management, improves grid stability by increasing demand flexibility, and shifts peak demand towards periods of peak renewable energy generation by providing consumers with economic incentives. Reinforcement learning has been utilized to control diverse energy systems such as electric vehicles, HVAC systems, smart appliances, or batteries. The… read more
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for demand response & building coordination
We have introduced a new simulation environment that is the result of merging CitySim, a building energy simulator, and TensorFlow, a powerful machine learning library for deep learning. This new simulation environment has the potential for developing building energy scenarios in which machine learning algorithms, such as deep reinforcement learning,… read more
IEA-EBC Annex 79: Occupant Centric Design and Operation of Buildings
A new IEA EBC Annex on occupant-centric design and controls has been approved. The Annex will involve about 100 experts from 20 countries for five years and focus on fundamental research issues regarding occupant comfort and behaviour, application to design and operations practice, new technology and tool development, and case… read more