This project is in collaboration with the Sustainable Built Environment group in the School of Architecture. Each year the city of Austin stays amongst the top of the list of fastest growing metro areas in the country, with an average increase of 160 residents per day. As a result, the… read more
Thermal Comfort & Smart Buildings
This is an excerpt from our review paper Comprehensive analysis of the relationship between thermal comfort and building control research – A data-driven literature review. The full article can be found here. Objective—what we want to do Previous work has addressed and analyzed the individual research fields of thermal comfort and… read more
Integrated Design Course with School of Architecture
In practice, architects and engineers have to work together toward a common goal. Unfortunately, in the curriculum there is not much time, if any, devoted to such a collaboration. Until now! In collaboration with Prof. Felkner from the School of Architecture, we have undertaken a worldwide unique endeavor in experiential… read more