Together with Prof. Mario Bergés (CMU), we are organizing the first Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Buildings and Cities (RLEM’20) co-located with ACM BuildSys’20, and held virtually.
We invite original submissions that explore the use of reinforcement learning algorithms for intelligent infrastructure and energy management. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Challenges and Opportunities for RL in Building and Cities
- Explorations of model vs model-free RL algorithms and hybrids
- Comparisons of RL algorithms to other control solutions, e.g., model-predictive control
- Frameworks and datasets for benchmarking algorithms
- Theoretical contributions to the RL field brought about by constraints/challenges in the buildings/cities domains
- Applications (demand response, HVAC, distributed energy systems, renewable energy integration, occupant integration, traffic scheduling, EV charging)
Workshop Website:
Submission portal:
Important Dates:
Abstract registration (required): August 3rd, 2020
Submission deadline: August 10th, 2020
Paper Notification: September 21nd, 2020
Camera ready: September 28th, 2020
We look forward to having you participate by submitting a paper and engaging in discussions during the event!