A new IEA EBC Annex on occupant-centric design and controls has been approved. The Annex will involve about 100 experts from 20 countries for five years and focus on fundamental research issues regarding occupant comfort and behaviour, application to design and operations practice, new technology and tool development, and case studies. The project will be led by Liam O’Brien of Carleton University (Canada) and Prof. Andreas Wagner of Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Germany).
IEL will have a major role in this annex as Prof Nagy will co-lead a subtask together with Prof. Burak Gunay (Carleton University, Canada) and Dr Daniel Wölki (RWTH Aachen, Germany).
This Annex would follow the highly successful IEA EBC Annex 66 (Definition and Simulation of Occupant Behavior in Buildings).
Follow the project on its website: http://annex79.iea-ebc.org
IEA EBC: International Energy Agency, Energy in Buildings and Communities Program