Our awesome PhD students Jose and June are heading to Rome to present our latest research on urban energy simulations and predictive algorithms. IEL showcases four papers at BS2019 (http://buildingsimulation2019.org): [oral] Aguirre et al. “Electric Energy Consumer Characterization, Classification and Demand Forecasting using Convolutional Neural Networks” [poster] Felkner et al.… read more
LightLearn nominated for GEC Catalyst Award 2019
Our LightLearn project on smart adaptive & occupant centered lighting control led by IEL’s awesome PhD student June has been nominated for a Catalyst Award 2019 by the Green Electronics Council. https://greenelectronicscouncil.org/awards-events/gec-catalyst-awards/ The GEC Catalyst Awards seek to inspire innovation in the design, manufacture and use of technology to advance sustainability… read more
Apples or Oranges? Energy Profile Clustering
In recent years, smart energy meters have been deployed to enable monitoring of energy use data with hourly or sub-hourly temporal resolution. The concurrent rise of information technologies and data analytics enabled the development of novel applications such as customer segmentation, load profiling, demand response, energy forecasting, and anomaly detection.… read more