The Intelligent Environments Laboratory is releasing the first version of the UT Energy App. This app is intended to provide a way to collect information on climate/temperature and consequent comfort levels for students in UT classrooms and other campus buildings. This data will be used directly by the UT… read more
Temperature-preference learning with neural networks for occupant-centric building indoor climate controls
Our paper led by Yuzhen Peng from ETH Zurich has been recently published in Building & Environment. We propose an intelligent building control strategy with machine learning techniques together with its design process for creating occupant-centric indoor climate. We demonstrate 4%–25% energy saving potential and the temperature comfort improvement through a real-world… read more
The Future of Building Energy Efficiency: Smart Building or Building Smart?
A panel discussion at the UT Energy Week on 2/5, moderated by Dr Nagy, and sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter of ASHRAE Buildings account for 40% of energy consumption in the United States. In the growing age of ‘smart’ technologies and sustainable design, how do… read more