To reduce HVAC energy inefficiencies, fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) has become a growing field of interest. In particular, air handling units (AHU), devices that circulate air and regulate room temperature and humidity, are the primary focus of most HVAC FDD systems. A data-driven FDD for AHUs on a university… read more
Apples or Oranges? New benchmarking paper published in Applied Energy
We collected a building energy dataset (2 years, hourly data) of unprecedented size (3829 buildings) and variety (75 programs). And using machine learning, we discovered three fundamental load shape profiles that characterize the temporal energy use in any of the buildings. The existence of fundamental load shape profiles challenges the… read more
2019 ASHRAE Winter Conference
IEL is presenting two seminar talks at the 2019 ASHRAE Winter conference in Atlanta. PhD student Jose, is presenting: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Seminar 15: Presentation 2: LightLearn: Reinforcement Learning for Occupant Centered Control and Controller Performance Metrics 11:20AM–11:40AM, GWCC, 4th Floor, Building A, A404 Seminar 20: Presentation 2: Occupant… read more