Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Leibowicz has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy. It address decarbonization pathways of residential building systems using Austin, TX as an example. Leibowicz, B.D., Lanham, C.M., Brozynski, M.T.Vázquez-Canteli, J.R., Castillo, N., and Nagy, Z. Optimal decarbonization pathways for urban residential building energy services, Applied Energy, Vol.… read more
Austin building stock under climate change
This project is in collaboration with the Sustainable Built Environment group in the School of Architecture. Each year the city of Austin stays amongst the top of the list of fastest growing metro areas in the country, with an average increase of 160 residents per day. As a result, the… read more
Chapter in Handbook of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
We have published a Tutorial on Reinforcement Learning (RL) in the forthcoming Handbook of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure published by Routledge. We argue that model-free algorithms, such as RL, are particularly useful for controlling buildings systems (HVAC, lighting, etc), because they adapt themselves to the individual characteristics of a building, while… read more