This is an excerpt from our review paper Comprehensive analysis of the relationship between thermal comfort and building control research – A data-driven literature review. The full article can be found here. Objective—what we want to do Previous work has addressed and analyzed the individual research fields of thermal comfort and… read more
Annex 79 – Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation
A new IEA EBC Annex on occupant-centric design and controls has been approved. The Annex will involve about 100 experts from 20 countries for five years and focus on fundamental research issues regarding occupant comfort and behaviour, application to design and operations practice, new technology and tool development, and case… read more
ASHRAE 2018—Annual Meeting Houston
Dr Nagy spoke at the 2018 edition of the annual ASHRAE conference in Houston. He discussed our Bluetooth methodology for occupancy detection and showcased an 8% reduction of the chilled water supply based on the data from a $10 device. Z. Nagy, J. Vazquez-Canteli, J.Y. Park, “Using Bluetooth Based Occupancy… read more