As one of three from over 2000 submissions, our work on occupancy learning-based demand-driven building control has been selected for a 2017 Best Paper Award from the journal Building and Environment. The research was led by our colleagues at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and was implemented in the 3-for-2 building in… read more
Dr Nagy on Panel for Intelligent Energy Systems
At the 35th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference on Energy Economics in Houston, Dr. Nagy was part of a panel discussing intelligent energy systems, and presented our research on reinforcement learning for smart buildings and cities. The other panelists were Prof Anna Scaglione, University of Arizone, discussing risks and cybersecurity, and Prof Ram… read more
Paper in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Our paper entitled Comprehensive analysis of the relationship between thermal comfort and building control research – A data-driven literature review has been published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. In this paper, awesome PhD student June explores to what extent building control research has incorporated knowledge from the thermal comfort community… read more