As occupants and their behaviors are responsible for a significant share of energy consumption, it is important to gather occupancy information for operating infrastructures efficiently. In fact, gathering and understanding occupancy patterns are considered as grand challenges for smart buildings and cities. Capitalizing on the pervasiveness of mobile devices with wireless functionalities, e.g., Bluetooth, WiFi, we try to discover various opportunities of using occupants’ mobile devices to infer building occupancy using advanced data analytics. More information can be found in
– J.Y. Park, E. Mbata, & Z. Nagy, “Good to see you again: Capture and recapturemethod on mobile devices to estimate occupancy profiles”, ACM Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys), New York, NY, November 2019
– J.Y. Park, T. Dougherty, H. Fritz, & Z. Nagy, “LightLearn: An Adaptive and OccupantCentered Controller for Lighting based on Reinforcement Learning”, Building and Environment, vol. 147, pp 397-414, 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.10.028
– J.Y. Park, T. Dougherty, & Z. Nagy, “A Bluetooth based occupancy detection for buildings”, ASHRAE/IBPSA SimBuild (BPACS), Chicago IL, September 2018
– Z. Nagy, J.R. Vazquez-Canteli, & J.Y. Park, “Using Bluetooth Based OccupancyEstimation for HVAC Set-back to Reduce Energy Consumption in Buildings”, ASHRAE, Houston, TX, June 2018