We have an immediate opening for a postdoctoral researcher with focus on Internet of Things (IoT) systems development and deployment.
Apply here: https://utaustin.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UTstaff/job/UT-MAIN-CAMPUS/Postdoctoral-Fellow_R_00004742
This position is within the The Whole Communities Whole Health (WCWH) Grand Challenge at the University of Texas. WCWH seeks to develop and test an innovative, field-based research and intervention model that leverages advances in environmental sensing, big data analytics, community engagement, and bio- behavioral measurements to become the standard for 21st century cohort studies.
Job Details:
The postdoctoral researcher will facilitate interactions between the research areas (engineering and social sciences) and identify opportunities and barriers for the disruptive technology needed to support the WCWH vision. The position is affiliated with the Intelligent Environments Laboratory (IEL) in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering.
- Technology research and development (hardware and software) in collaboration with graduate and undergraduate students. Activities will include developing and integrating diverse hardware platforms (e.g., Raspberry Pi devices, hardware sensors). These activities will also include software development on the diverse platforms and will require integration of various radio technologies (e.g., Bluetooth, WiFi, etc.).
- Field deployments of Internet of Things devices and networks. Activities will include physically deploying devices, ensuring their maintenance, and remotely monitoring them and collecting data.
- Serve as the primary liaison between the Whole Communities Whole Health (WCWH) leadership, IEL, and the technology experts at UT Austin as the broader project demands.
- Identify and lead dissemination and funding efforts of WCWH (publications, grant applications, etc).
- Support organization and execution of a Workshops & Symposia.
Additional information on the Whole Communities Whole Health research sponsored by the Vice President for Research can be found at https://bridgingbarriers.utexas.edu/whole-communities-whole-health/
Required Qualifications
Ph.D. in Engineering, Computer Science or related field within the last three years. Expertise in one or more of the following areas: hardware and software development, Internet of Things deployment, Human-Computer-Interaction, Big Data Analytics or similar. Demonstrated ability to work self-driven and independently.