Retrofit measures are an effective means to improve both the heating energy and carbon footprint of a building. On one hand, reducing the losses through the envelope reduces the energy consumption. On the other hand, updating the heating from a fossil-fuel based system to an emission-free one bears the potential for CO2-emission free operation. This project explores how simple measurements can provide useful insight into the energetic behavior of a building and allow to derive models to predict the effect of the retrofit measures.
Z. Nagy, D. Rossi, Ch. Hersberger, S.D. Irigoyen, C. Miller, and A. Schlueter, Balancing Envelope and Heating System Parameters for Zero Emissions Retrofit using Building Sensor Data, Applied Energy, Vol. 131, October, 2014
doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.06.024
C. Miller, Z. Nagy, and A. Schlueter et. al, BIM-Extracted EnergyPlus Model Calibration for Retrofit Analysis of a Historically Listed Building, Building Simulation Conference, ASHRAE/IBPSA-USA, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2014