Constitution and Bylaws of The National Community Pharmacists Association Student Chapter (UT-NCPA) at The University of Texas at Austin
Adopted September 11, 1989
Last Revised September 5, 2020
The University of Texas at Austin student chapter of the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) is an educational non-profit organization with the following goals:
1) To promote pharmacy as a profession and the role of independent community pharmacy in the American healthcare system;
2) To maintain and expand educational programs, to strengthen members’ professional, entrepreneurial, and business ability, and to encourage colleges of pharmacy to provide opportunity for students to learn about opportunities in innovative community pharmacy practice;
3) To provide effective support and sponsorship of programs to encourage careers in community pharmacy;
4) To exchange information among health professions to promote mutual understanding in areas affecting the practice and education of these health professions;
5) To educate the lay public on the proper use of both prescription and nonprescription drugs and on the pharmacist’s role in safe and effective drug counseling, therapy, and administration.
Article I. University Compliance
This organization is a recognized student organization at The University of Texas at Austin and shall comply with all campus policies as set forth in the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities and Information on Students’ Rights and Responsibilities.
Article II. Prohibition of Hazing
State law and Sec. 14-103(3) of the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities and Information on Students’ Rights and Responsibilities define hazing as any intentional, knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution.
Article III. Membership
- In accordance with Sec. 6-202(a)(2) and Sec. 6-302 of
the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities and Information on Students’ Rights and Responsibilities, this organization restricts membership to students, faculty members, and staff members of the University, - In accordance with Sec. 6-202(a)(3) of the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities and Information on Students’ Rights and Responsibilities, this organization may not deny membership on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, except that a registered student organization created primarily for religious purposes may restrict the right to vote or hold office to persons who subscribe to the registered student organization’s statement of faith; and a registered student organization may restrict membership based on the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
- Membership shall be open to students of The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy regardless of race, national origin, creed or political affiliation, sex (in accordance with Title IX), sexual orientation, religion, age, handicap, or veteran’s status.
- Members must be currently enrolled at the College of Pharmacy of The University of Texas at Austin.
- Active members of UT-NCPA are those members who have paid all required membership dues and participate in chapter activities. Inactive members are those who have not paid their dues or do not participate in chapter activities.
- Members may be subject to disciplinary review by the Executive Board because of nonpayment of dues, refusal to participate in chapter activities, or failure to support chapter goals and purposes. Members may be removed if the Executive Board determines a lack of participation, nonpayment of dues, and/or failure to support chapter goals and purposes.
- Before initiating the removal process, a mediated discussion with the President, faculty advisor, and the individual being considered for removal must occur. An opportunity for reconciliation or resignation may be provided to the individual following such a meeting.
- The process for removal shall be:
- A recommendation for removal on behalf of the President and the faculty advisor.
- A notification of intent to remove the individual from the chapter provided to the individual and the Executive Board.
- Removal of the individual from the chapter
- Dues are payable by the second meeting of the semester in which the member elects to become a member of the organization. Dues for student membership in the national NCPA organization are established by that organization. Dues shall be paid for a period of one year. Dues are subject to change given COVID-19.
Article IV. Officers
- The elected officers of the organization shall be a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Other officers may be appointed as deemed necessary by the Executive Board. Appointment shall be by the President, with approval of the Executive Board.
- All elected and appointed officers must be in good academic standing.
- In the event that an executive officer becomes incapacitated, resigns, or is removed, a replacement officer may be appointed as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
- The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, other appointed officers, and faculty advisor.
- The President shall preside at all meetings, call special meetings with the approval of the Executive Board, and perform all duties as the chapter shall direct or as customarily pertain to the office of President including overseeing chairs as dictated in the chair descriptions submitted to Pharmacy Council each year. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning with the summer semester.
- In the event that the President becomes incapacitated, resigns, or is removed from office, the Vice-President shall assume that office.
- The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of President in his or her absence, dismissal, or resignation. In the event that the Vice-President must assume the office of President (as provided in Bylaw III, Section 1), his or her replacement shall be elected by the chapter members. Duties shall include scheduling speakers for appropriate meetings, serving as UT-NCPA’s Pharmacy Council Representative (as provided in Bylaw III, Section 5), and overseeing chairs as dictated in the chair descriptions submitted to Pharmacy Council each year. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning with the summer semester.
- The Secretary shall maintain a record of chapter meetings and distribute them to the membership. He or she is also responsible for organizing and maintaining the membership roster, and overseeing chairs as dictated in the chair descriptions submitted to Pharmacy Council each year. The Secretary should keep members informed about all chapter activities through weekly communications and keep track of points as described under bylaw IV. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning with the summer semester.
- The Treasurer shall maintain all financial records in readily retrievable form and shall be accountable for all financial transactions involving organization funds, including aiding the President in preparing the Dean’s Allocation budget request, submitting the Dean’s Allocation budget request, and coordinating application and receipt of stipends. In coordination with the Secretary, the Treasurer shall obtain membership dues and forward national dues to NCPA. In addition, he or she shall provide reports on the status of the treasury when called upon to do so by the President and/or membership. The Treasurer is also responsible for ordering meals at all regular meetings and overseeing the Senior Fundraising Chair and Junior Fundraising Chair. The term of office shall be for one year, beginning with the summer semester.
- The Pharmacy Council Representative shall attend all appropriate meetings of the Pharmacy Council as a representative of UT-NCPA. He or she shall also make a report to the membership at each regular meeting.
- The President-Elect shall assist the President in all spring activities in order to prepare for their term. The term of office shall be for the spring semester.
- All members of the Executive Board are responsible for maintaining established communication frequency expectations as dictated by the President and agreed upon unanimously by the Executive Board through an agreed upon platform. Failure to maintain established communication expectations may result in removal as provided in Bylaw VIII, Section 1.
- At the end of the fall semester the following positions shall be elected: President-elect. At the end of the spring semester, President-elect shall assume the duties of President. Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected during the spring semester.
- All other Chair position responsibilities and terms shall be dictated in the Chair Descriptions submitted to Pharmacy Council each year.
- Any member of NCPA may be removed from office under the procedures outlined under this Bylaw. Reasons for removal include:
- Failure to abide by the duties and responsibilities of the elected or appointed position outlined by the UT-NCPA Constitution, Bylaws, and Chair Descriptions submitted to Pharmacy Council.
- Failure to act professionally and appropriately while holding an elected or appointed UT-NCPA position.
- Before initiating the removal process, a mediated discussion with the President, faculty advisor, and the individual being considered for removal must occur. An opportunity for reconciliation or resignation may be provided to the individual following such a meeting.
- The process for removal shall be:
- A recommendation for removal on behalf of the President and the faculty advisor.
- A notification of intent to remove the individual from office provided to the individual and the Executive Board.
- Removal of the individual from the office.
- In the event that the President is considered for removal from office, the Vice President shall fulfill the responsibilities given to the President in Sections 1 and 2 of this Bylaw.
- Resignation by any appointed or elected position prior to the end of his or her term shall require a written notice of resignation to the advisor and to the President.
Article V. Meetings
- Regular meetings will be held every 3 weeks at the time approved by the Pharmacy Council of the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy.
- Special meetings will be held as needed and may be called by the president, with the approval of the Executive Board.
- Active members are required to attend at least 2 general meetings and sign in accordingly. The Executive Board can overrule this requirement for extending circumstances.
- Active members will be given advance notice of upcoming elections and will be encouraged to attend.
Article VI. University Advisor
- In accordance with Sec. 6-101 (14) and Sec. 6-101(15) of
the Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities and Information on Students’ Rights and Responsibilities, this organization may have a University Advisor who is at least twenty-one years of age, is not enrolled as a student at the University, and serves as either:- a part-time or full-time employee of the University.
- a representative of a national organization that is associated with the registered student organization.
- serves as either.
- a part-time or full-time employee of the University.
- a representative of a national organization that is associated with the registered student organization (registered student organizations only).
- UT-NCPA shall have 1 faculty advisor, to be appointed by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
- The faculty advisor shall remain as point of contact and advisor for all members and the executive board. The faculty advisor shall serve in a non-voting advisory capacity.
Article VII. Finances
- Members are usually required to pay $80 for a year membership within 2 months of the start of the fall or spring semester. This membership fee includes the national membership to NCPA. Fourth year students have the option of paying $40 in the spring, if their renewal is due.
- During the COVID-19 pandemic or any other emergency event requiring virtual meetings, members will be charged $50 in the fall to cover national dues. If we are allowed to have meetings in the spring, members will be required to pay $15 to help cover food and travel stipends.
- The appointed treasurer will be in charge of the budget.
- All requests for funds and expenditures will be processed through the treasurer and allocated appropriately.
- Funds will be appropriated through a University account and not through an off-campus bank account.
- Elections shall be held at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Members will be given advance notice of upcoming elections through the newsletter and in prior meetings.
- Nominations may be made by active members and seconded by another member.
- Election to office shall be by a majority of active members present and voting.
- Election may be by secret ballot or by open ballot, depending on the expressed preference of the membership present.
ARTICLE IX. Amendments
- Amendments to the chapter constitution may be presented at any meeting of the organization. Amendments shall be proposed and discussed at one meeting and voted on by the members at a subsequent meeting. Amendments shall be passed by a majority vote of those present. Amendments so adopted shall become effective immediately.
- In the event that the amendments can not be presented at a meeting, they may be presented through email to active members and denied if the majority of members object.
- All amendments or changes to this constitution must be reflected
in an updated constitution that must be submitted to Student Activities in the Office of the Dean of Students at 2609 University Ave., Suite 2.112 within 14 days of its approval.
Bylaw I. Points System
Points shall be assigned for UT-NCPA activities and used as part of the decision to determine who will attend scholarship funded conferences and conventions. The Secretary shall be responsible for developing a points system and keeping track of points earned by active members. Points shall be awarded for activities including, but not limited to, merchandise sales, food sales, and community service projects.
Bylaw II. Quorum
A majority of active members must be present for any meeting at which officers are elected or chapter projects are selected. Voting may be made available electronically to increase access if need is determined by the Executive Committee.
Bylaw III. Amendments to the Bylaws
Amendments to the chapter bylaws may be presented at any meeting of the organization. Amendments shall be proposed and discussed at one meeting and voted on by the members at a subsequent meeting. Amendments shall be passed by a majority vote of those present. Amendments so adopted shall become effective immediately.
Bylaw IV. Dissolution Clause
Should UT-NCPA dissolve for any reason, the funds accumulated from dues and chapter activities shall be transferred to the general scholarship fund of the College of Pharmacy of The University of Texas at Austin.