Our research program is centered on three primary areas:
1) Analyzing normal and pathological human movement to identify the neuromotor and biomechanical mechanisms that contribute to locomotor impairments.
2) Using advanced additive manufacturing techniques to design and optimize orthotic and prosthetic devices and improve the functional mobility of those with lower-limb disabilities.
3) Improving sports performance by optimizing muscle coordination and equipment designs, and identifying mechanisms that lead to overuse injuries.
The long-term goal of the research directed at analyzing human locomotion is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between the musculoskeletal and neuromotor systems during normal and pathological movement. The cornerstone of this research is the development and application of complex musculoskeletal models and computer simulations of specific locomotor tasks that allow us to identify causal relationships between muscle activity and the task performance. Such research will provide a scientific foundation on which to critically evaluate and optimize preventative and rehabilitative techniques, enhance surgical procedures for correcting muscle and joint pathology, and develop strategies to minimize overuse injuries. The long-term goal of our research with additive manufacturing techniques is to design and optimize orthotic and prosthetic components and produce functional prototypes to be evaluated in a clinical lab. Our research directed at improving sports performance integrates empirical data, models of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems and design optimization to improve equipment setup, minimize joint loading and identify optimal muscle coordination strategies.
Recent article highlighting research in the lab: article
For additional information on our current and previous projects as well as research awards we have received, please see the links below: