NNCI-TNF-SEI team is led by Dr. Lee Ann Kahlor and work closely with the Center for Media Engagement at the UT Moody College of Communication.

Lee Ann Kahlor, Ph.D.
SEI Director at TNF since 2016. Professor in the School of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Texas at Austin, TX, U.S. kahlor@austin.utexas.edu

Z. Darren Yang, M.A.
Team member 2024-2025. Ph.D. student in the School of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Texas at Austin, TX, U.S. darrenyang@utexas.edu

Y. Greg Song, Ph.D.
Team member 2023-2024. Now an Assistant Professor of Emerging Media at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, U.S. gregsong@stthomas.edu

Jiemin Looi, Ph.D.
Team member 2022-2023. Now an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR. looijiemin@hkbu.edu.hk

Ed Hunt, M.A.
Team member 2021-2022. Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, TX, U.S. ehunt@utexas.edu

Wan Wang, Ph.D.
Team member 2020-2021. Now an Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at the North Dakota State University, ND, U.S. wan.wang@ndsu.edu

Won-Ki Moon, Ph.D.
Team member 2019-2020. Now an Assistant Professor of Advertising at the University of Florida, FL, U.S. wonkimoon@ufl.edu

Xiaoshan Li, Ph.D.
Team member 2018-2019. Now an Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations at the United International College, Zhuhai, China. xiaoshanli@uic.edu.cn

Jacy Jones, M.A.
Team member 2016-2018. Now Strategic Communications Manager for Academic Communications at the University of Texas at Austin, TX, U.S. jacy.jones@austin.utexas.edu