Our core group of subject matter experts have extensive background in pediatric emergency care delivery, translating evidence to practice, developing and implementing broad-scale quality improvement initiatives, and designing robust data registries to measure and improve health outcomes.
Libby Alpern, MD, MSCE
Head, Division of Emergency Medicine, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Dr. Alpern is a pediatric emergency physician and clinical epidemiologist with particular interest and experience in the use of large databases within research networks to improve the quality of care delivered to children through application of evidence based work. I have been a member of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) from its inception. She is the PI of the PECARN Registry, an emergency department electronic health record database of over 3.7 million visits used to establish benchmarks, report provider- and site-level performance, and assess changes in quality measures of pediatric care.
Thomas Chun, MD, MPH
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Dr. Chun has over two decades of experience as a national leader in mental and behavioral health issues as they pertain to the emergency department,, clinical care and public health perspectives. An additional focus is multi-center research, in both PECARN (Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network) and ECHO ISPCTN (Environmental Influences of Child Health Outcomes – IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network).
Susan Duffy, MD, MPH
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Dr. Duffy’s academic, administrative and clinical efforts have focused on developing and evaluating clinical programs, enhancing teamwork, establishing community relationships, and developing programs to promote injury prevention and child advocacy. She has collaborated with colleagues in child psychiatry to develop an emergency psychiatric service to respond to the growing population of pediatric and adolescent emergency patients with acute mental health problems.
Hilary Hewes, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine
Dr. Hewes serves as the co-principal investigator on the National EMS for Children Data Analysis Resource Center and provides medical expertise in pediatric emergency medicine for the program. She is board certified in Pediatrics and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Her academic interests include pediatric prehospital medicine, pediatric disaster planning, pediatric trauma, and childhood violence and injury prevention.
Aaron R. Jensen, MD, MEd, FACS, FAAP
Assistant Professor, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Oakland
Dr. Jensen has focused his efforts on decreasing the impact of injury in children including developing and evaluating injury prevention programs, trauma epidemiology, outcomes research related to critical treatments, and innovative approaches to using simulation-based training to improve teamwork during trauma resuscitation. He participates nationally in trauma quality improvement initiatives to improve trauma care for children in the United States. He has also been recognized nationally for his teaching and educational research activities.
Charles Macias, MD, MPH
Chief, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Chief Quality Officer at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, Executive Director, EMS for Children Innovation and Improvement Center
Dr. Macias has over 20 years of experience as a national leader of large programmatic activities for population health, value-based care, quality improvement (QI) in pediatric emergency care, analytics, evidence-based practice implementation, research, disaster preparedness, and education. He created and chaired the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Quality Transformation of the Section on Emergency Medicine. His efforts include improving infrastructures and outcomes for children who are acutely ill or injured, as well as strengthening academic and community partnerships.
Bryan McNally, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
Dr. McNally founded the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) in 2006, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control. The data registry now spans 23 states and includes 1,400 EMS agencies and 1,900 hospitals. Elements of this project include use of a secure database with restricted access for authorized users for data entry, a simple HIPAA-compliant methodology to protect confidentiality, both manual and electronic data entry, longitudinal benchmarking of key performance indicators and multiple reporting features including charts, graphs, and maps. He has successfully linked EMS and hospital data elements in a secure manner in order to derive the impact of clinical management on outcomes.
Rachel Stanley, MD, MHSA
Division Chief for Emergency Medicine at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Dr. Stanley is prior Chair of the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Pediatric Emergency Care Research Network (PECARN), and the PI of one of the core PECARN research nodes. She has worked closely with all PECARN sites to integrate evidence-based guidelines (EBGs) into system processes. Through her work on Traumatic Brain Injury and inter-facility transfers she holds a unique skill set of understanding the impact of EBGs on patients and families. In addition she hold significant expertise in quality improvement methodology and actively participates in the PECARN data registry. Additionally, she has experience developing process performance measures and balanced score cards for the PECARN.