The goal of NPRQI is to ensure children have access to high quality emergency care regardless of geographic location by providing all EDs with a national platform to measure, reflect, and improve pediatric emergency care delivery. The National Pediatric Readiness Quality initiative is the implementation arm of the National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP). NPRQI will strive to support emergency departments in their pursuit of providing the highest quality of care possible for pediatric patients.

The NPRQI was created to drive national quality improvement efforts for pediatric emergency care delivery. Most children are seen in general EDs many of which are in rural communities, and less than 50% of these EDs engage in pediatric quality improvement efforts. Given low pediatric patient volumes at an individual site and lack of standardized measures for common pediatric conditions, NPRQI was developed to establish standardized quality measures with benchmarking capabilities.

NPRQI is a collaborative initiative housed at the University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas at Austin IRB has determined that this activity is not research involving human subjects as defined by DHHS and FDA regulations. The IRB has determined that its review and approval of this activity is not required.