Registration & Onboarding Steps

Complete NPRQI Registration

Step 1: Register your hospital

Step 2: Complete demographics survey

Step 3: Identify individuals that need access to the platform

Step 4: Download Participant Organization Agreement (POA) and obtain a signature from your hospital administrator

Step 5: Upload signed POA into the enrollment portal

    Important Note:

    The process for routing the POA will vary by each hospital and typically takes 2-3 weeks or possibly longer to complete.

    Once the signed POA is received, it will be routed through the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School contracts department for approval and execution. This process may take an additional 7-10 days.

    Next Steps

    Receive Executed Agreement

    Receive a copy of executed NPRQI POA from the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School

    Receive Log-In Credentials

    Receive your site’s NPRQI platform secure log-in credentials from Clario. Have your site IT department “whitelist”

    Sign In to NPRQI Platform

    Sign into NPRQI Platform using the credentials provided by Clario

    Complete Required Training Modules

    Complete two required training modules: NPRQI PSO Introduction & NPRQI TAP Platform Site Training

    Enter Pediatric Patient Data

    Reflect on Your Progress

    Use NPRQI Dashboards to reflect on your hospital’s progress and compare to similar volume sites (Under Development)


    Implement strategies to improve your site’s processes and become Peds Ready!

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