The Community Involvement committee organizes and leads numerous volunteer initiatives throughout the semester, serving as the bridge between CNS and the greater Austin community. We are involved in weekly volunteer opportunities, leading science activities and working with children through Young Scientists, Posada Esperanza, and Helping Hand Home. We also are involved in numerous school-sponsored events such as Longhorn Halloween and Natural Sciences Week.
In addition, each committee member has the opportunity to organize and lead a service project of their own, allowing members to contribute their unique vision for outreach. In the past, members have worked with initiatives/organizations such as UT Microfarm and We Are Blood.
This year, CI will be working especially hard to support individuals in our community through the difficulties brought about by both changing circumstances and persistent inequality, working to build a sense of connectedness and platform for change. As a member of CI, you would be able to serve as a volunteer in the Austin community, mentor for others, and advocate for others.
Young Scientists
Young Scientists is an educational outreach program whose purpose is to expose students in underserved schools to the fascinating world of science through hands-on experiments and new scientific topics.
UT Microfarm
Longhorn Halloween
Longhorn Halloween is a yearly event hosted for the children of UT faculty, staff, and students. We usually dress up, run a fun science-based activity, and hand out candy! This is a fun way to show the kids some neat science tricks!
Eclipse Day