The Fall 2023 new member class hosted a Powerpoint/Presentation Night to serve as an internal community building event for members in NSC! Members were able to learn about each other and share their stories.

The Spring 2022 new member class established the CNS Peer Academic Mentorship Program, to provide incoming students (First-Years and Transfers) with student perspectives on majors, course loads, teaching styles, campus life, and University resources.
Tracks After Texas was an event hosted by the Fall 2021 new member class, to provide an opportunity for CNS students to explore post-graduate tracks (including Pre-Health, Pre-Law, and Pre-Grad with graduate students, CNS Career Services, and Advisors.

The Spring 2021 new member class wrote a Senate Resolution to advocate for the preservation of professors and staff providing online lectures in addition to the in-person format, to promote an inclusive and accessible campus environment.
The Student Faculty Roundtable was hosted by the Fall 2020 new member class, to talk to CNS professors about concerns in navigating the semester during COVID-19. The roundtable was held with the intention to encourage adaptability in courses to better support the CNS student body.

(Re)searching for a Lab! was an event hosted by the Fall 2020 new member class, which served to guide underclassmen in finding research opportunities, especially those new to research. Students were able to learn about different labs that were recruiting and heard a keynote address from Dr. Campitelli.