Are you interested in creating better access to research and educational materials? Do you want to help make that a reality on the UT Austin campus? If so, please consider applying for a travel scholarship to attend OpenCon 2016. OpenCon is an academic conference for students and early career researchers about open access, open education, and open data. It takes place November 12th – 14th, 2016 in Washington DC.
The chosen applicant will receive a $2000 scholarship to attend the conference. Conference planners have designed the conference so that $2000 will cover all expenses. This conference is an excellent opportunity to learn more about open access, open education, and open data, and to learn how to advocate for these issues. The program includes keynote talks, panel discussions, workshops, hackathons, and an opportunity to lobby at the US Congress. It truly is an international conference – last year’s conference included attendees from 5 continents!
The UT Austin applicant chosen to attend OpenCon 2016 will be expected to share what they’ve learned once they return to Austin. We are open to what that engagement may look like – for instance, the attendee may choose to host a presentation upon their return or they may decide to push for more open access in a particular area on campus. Library staff will be available to help coordinate events and meetings, but the attendee is expected to do most of the content planning. The attendee will also be expected to give reports on the conference to both Student Government and to Graduate Student Assembly.
UT Austin graduate student or postdoctoral researcher. Attendee agrees to engage in the open discussion on campus and to give updates to undergraduate and graduate student government upon their return.
To apply:
Please send a statement (no longer than 500 words) discussing how you might like to engage our campus in open agenda discussions. This statement is not binding but rather is an opportunity to brainstorm ideas that can be further defined and redefined later. Submit your statement and resume/CV to Colleen Lyon,, by Thursday, June 30th, 2016. Applicants will be notified with a decision by July 15th, 2016. If you have questions about the conference or about the application process, please contact Colleen Lyon, 512-495-4244, or