Thank you to everyone who helped with Open Access Week 2017 activities! I wanted to share with you a summary of our celebration this year.
In person activities:
Sign up for an ORCID ID
Tuesday, Oct. 24th, from 1-3 in the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Building
18 students, faculty, and staff engaged with us about ORCID
Open Access Trivia Game
Wednesday, Oct. 25th, from 12-2 in the lobby of the Perry Castañeda Library (PCL)
We gave away 68 prizes, which means we talked to at least that many people. The majority of them were students, but we also talked to some faculty, staff, and visitors.
Data & Donuts: Archiving & Publishing Research Data with Texas Data Repository
Friday, Oct. 27th, from 3-4 in PCL Learning Lab 1
8 students, staff and faculty attended. Most of the attendees stayed late to continue asking questions and one person has already followed up with the presenter.
Posters in branch libraries
The posters & whiteboards we put up in branch libraries didn’t generate a lot of interaction in the form of people sharing their thoughts. I heard from folks at the branch libraries that they did notice students reading the informational poster – so hopefully we were able to get the message out.
Online activities:
TexLibris blog:
We had four guest blog posts on TexLibris, the Libraries’ main blog, this month.
Those posts, and the one I wrote, have collected 164 page views so far this month.
Open Access at UT blog:
Our posts for OA Week on the Libraries’ Open Access blog collected 65 page views last week
Research Data Services blog:
The Research Data Services blog collected 45 page views last week
Our OA Week tweets earned 3700 impressions (number of times people saw the tweet) and 43 engagements (clicking on, retweeting, following, etc) last week.
If you would like to access any of the materials we used for OA Week, they are available in Texas ScholarWorks: