The Open Educational Resources (OER) Working Group eagerly seeks applicants to join its second instructor learning community in Fall 2022. The facilitators will join participants from across disciplines in their efforts to make their courses as financially inclusive as possible by eliminating or substantially lowering course material costs. The emphasis of the community will be open educational resources (or OER), which are learning materials that carry open licenses and allow anyone to freely read, share, and modify them. These permissions also enable instructors to adapt them for greater cultural responsiveness and accessibility or even include students in building them.
If you’ve been interested in taking the first steps to transitioning your course to free or low-cost materials but need support to do it, please consider applying to join this instructor learning community. Community members who complete the requirements detailed here will receive a letter of recognition from Dr. lorraine haricombe, Vice Provost and Director of UT Libraries.
Please note that to maintain the level of interaction at which this group will most benefit, we will cap participants at 10 for Fall 2022. If interest exceeds that number, we look forward to offering more cohorts of this learning community in the future.
Learn more or apply to join the learning community by Friday, 9/16.