Enhancing Public Access to the Results of Research Supported by DHHS – A Workshop
On November 30 – December 1, the National Academies will host a public workshop to inform the development and update of agency public access policies at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). The workshop is looking to convene participants from a variety of communities in the research ecosystem including researchers, institutions, libraries, students, and scholarly societies. Attendance is free and can be virtual or in person (in DC), but registration is required.
The workshop will feature invited presentations and discussions addressing:
- Additional steps that agencies could consider to ensure that any changes to public access policies promote equity in publication opportunities for investigators supported by NIH, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration for Community Living (ACL), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other HHS agencies, and do not create new or reinforce existing inequities in publishing opportunities.
- Steps for improving equity in access and accessibility of publications by diverse communities of users, in addition to removal of the currently-allowable 12-month embargo period for federally-supported publications.
- Effective approaches for monitoring trends in publication fees and impacts on affected communities, including perspectives on what constitutes a “reasonable” cost.
- Considerations to increase findability and transparency of research, including efforts to improve use of persistent identifiers (PIDs) (e.g., ORCID IDs, DOIs, RoR ID) and metadata, as well as institutions and researchers’ experiences with adoption of different identifiers across publications and research data.