There are two virtual workshops scheduled for next week that will be relevant to a wide range of scholars. Both sessions are free, but do require registration.
Patent Basics – Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, 11 a.m. to noon
This virtual workshop is aimed at a beginner audience. We will define patents as a type of intellectual property, describe the different ways in which patents can be useful to researchers, and show how to find patent documents on freely available websites such as Google Patents.
Author Profiles & Citation Metrics: An Introduction for Scholars – Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, 1 to 2 p.m.
Registration required (virtual workshop)
Taking advantage of profile services and understanding publishing metrics can help you increase the discovery of your work and track its impact. This workshop will introduce you to ORCID and Google Scholar profile systems and give you some tips for making the most of these types of services. We will also highlight several widely used citation metrics (Impact Factors, h-indices, SJR indicators) and help to demystify what they mean and how to find them.