Today marks the start of Open Education Week! Open Educational Resources are openly licensed materials that can be:
- Retained
- Reused
- Revised
- Remixed
- Redistributed
OER can make a huge difference to our students. In anonymous surveys, students report using the money they saved from having to buy textbooks on rent, groceries, tuition, and more!
However, as important as these resources might be, they’re often overlooked or misunderstood. Are you curious about OER? Check out this infographic to learn more.
And if you’d like to learn even more about OER, here are our upcoming OE Week activities:
March 4th – March 7th: Come visit our blog for a daily post spotlighting OER work happening here at UT Austin.
March 5th, 1pm-3pm: Tabling event in PCL Lobby. Come by to chat with a librarian about OER.
March 6th, 2pm-3pm: OE Week Virtual Panel: Perspectives on Pressbooks. Our joint student/faculty panel will discuss their experiences with utilizing the open source platform, Pressbooks. The event is free, but you do need to register. For more information, check out the flyer or visit here.