The University of Texas Libraries wants to send you to OpenCon 2017 in Berlin, Germany! If you are a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher with an interest in open access (OA), open educational resources (OER) or open data who wants to help shape the future of research and education at… read more
Open data
Open Science Summer School
If you are interested in being more open in your research practices, but don’t quite know where to start, check out this one week Open Science course being offered at Utrecht University: Open Science and Scholarship: Changing Your Research Workflow. The course is open to researchers from all disciplines and… read more
Open science software
Thank you to Clifford Lynch!
As part of our “Year of Open,” UT Libraries hosted CNI Executive Director Clifford Lynch for a public presentation. Titled “Evolving Scholarly Practice and the New Challenges for Scholarly Communications, ” Dr. Lynch discussed multiple topics pertaining to digital scholarship, including data management, digital curation, research replication, and data packaging.… read more
Scholarly publishing site live
How has open scholarship helped you?
The Advancing Research Communication & Scholarship (ARCS) conference happened for the first time this past spring. One of the conversations from that conference was about the negative information some people hear about sharing their scholarship more openly. You know, the “if you share your data you’ll get scooped” warning. The… read more
Travel Scholarship Available
Are you interested in creating better access to research and educational materials? Do you want to help make that a reality on the UT Austin campus? If so, please consider applying for a travel scholarship to attend OpenCon 2015. OpenCon is an academic conference for students and early career researchers… read more
Apply to attend OpenCon 2014
OpenKnowledge MOOC
Stanford University is offering a public, online course this fall called, OpenKnowledge: Changing the global course of learning. Weekly topics include: technological change, digital identity, citizen journalism, citizen science, IP, copyright, open science, open data, open educational resources, evaluating open collections, scholarly publishing, student publishing, information literacy, global perspectives on… read more
An update on public access to federally funded research
The Office of Science and Technology Policy has released an update on the federal government’s work towards making research, including data, more openly available to the public. It specifically provides an update on agency plans for complying with the White House directive. While those plans are still not public, it… read more