Our June brown bag discussion focused on altmetrics. Two tools that are offered that could integrate with our UT Digital Repository are PlumX and Altmetric. Both of these tools provide information on downloads, saves, and social media mentions as part of the larger picture for research impact. They are also… read more
More publisher take-down notices
The American Society of Civil Engineers has hired a firm called Digimarc to police the uploading of publisher PDF versions of their articles on personal or university websites. The take-down notices have gone out to many universities around the world. For more information: General information: http://torrentfreak.com/publishers-targets-university-researchers-pirating-articles-140516/ Information about these take-down… read more
Publishers behaving badly-again
Once again, someone has uncovered a scam by unsavory publishers. The Ottawa Citizen recently published an article by Tom Spears about a sham article that got accepted by several fake publishers within 48 hours of being submitted. These journals claimed that articles went out for peer review, but there is no… read more