This is the third in our series of OA Week 2021 blog posts. Today we’ll be talking a bit more about our efforts to create a more sustainable scholarly publishing ecosystem. First a very brief overview of scholarly publishing and how we got here. We’ll be talking primarily about journal… read more
Infrastructure & Support for OER Adoption & Development at UT Austin
This blog post is part of our Open Access Week series. The theme of Open Access 2021 is “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.” Open educational resources (OER) are a critical feature of the open access content landscape. Per the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC),… read more
Happy Open Access Week!
October 25-31 is OA Week 2021. For those who are new to open access, you can find a description of what it is and why it’s important here. TLDR: open access works are free to access and licensed in a way that allows for reuse. This blog post is part… read more
Open Access Week 2021
Knowledge unfortunately isn’t free. Much of the research being conducted at universities, colleges, and institutes around the world is written up by professors, graduate students, and research associates and published in toll-access (subscription) journals. Anyone lacking a subscription to that journal will not be able to access the articles published there. This… read more
Texas ScholarWorks Twitter Digest October 1-15, 2021
Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Oct 15 Terminology explained | Open access explained | Library | University of Leeds – #GoogleAlerts Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Oct 12 Publishing paper in top journal costs about $1,000, says study… via @timeshighered Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Oct 12 Why schools are failing female students for success in tech careers… Texas… read more
TSW Highlights: Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Texas ScholarWorks Twitter Digest September 16-30, 2021
Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 29 How can publishers better meet the open research needs of funders and institutions? – #GoogleAlerts Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 22 Almost 5,000 valuable items stolen from FSU library comic collection… Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 22 Elsevier Share Links: The Schrödinger’s cat of Open Access… Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 21 Funders:… read more
Texas ScholarWorks Twitter Digest September 1-15, 2021
Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 14 TSW Highlights: Deaf Awareness Month… @NationalDeafCtr Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 13 Open Science for global challenges & restoring the ethos of science… Texas ScholarWorks @utdigitalrepo Sep 8 UK Research and Innovation will mandate that all published papers containing work carried out using UKRI cash must be free to read… read more
TSW Highlights: National Hispanic Heritage Month
We are celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15! In honor of the celebration, we are highlighting the Latino Research Institute. The mission of the Latino Research Institute is to provide the infrastructure for the creation and dissemination of quality information about issues affecting Latino populations… read more