I’m happy to report that the Senate of College Councils (SCC) passed legislation (S.R. 1808) in support of UT Libraries’ Advocacy for Open Education Resources (OER). With this legislation, the SCC highlights the financial burden caused by high-cost textbooks and encourages the use of OER. OER are free online educational resources… read more
2018 TSW Annual Report
We’ve finally released the Texas ScholarWorks annual report from 2018. Highlights from the past year include: 54 new collections 6,021 new items added Upgrade to DSpace version 6.4 (thanks TDL!) Added over 200 digitized theses and dissertations Check out the report and some of the interesting research in TSW.
Norwegian institutions don’t renew Elsevier contract
A consortium of Norwegian institutions has decided not to renew their Elsevier contract for 2019. They were trying to negotiate an agreement that would move from paying for subscriptions to paying for publishing articles open access (as required by 2024 by the Norwegian government). While there is no agreement for… read more
Images of Research Competition
UT Austin undergraduates engaged in research in libraries, archives, labs, or in the field are eligible to submit an image to the Images of Research competition. Those images should capture the process, outcome, or impact of that research. You may submit up to 3 images and each image should have… read more
Open Education Week
This week is Open Education Week! To celebrate, we’re having an Open Textbook Fair in the PCL Lobby. It’s today (March 6th) from 2:00pm-4:00pm. We’ll have a trivia game, a whiteboard to share your textbook thoughts, and some print open educational textbooks for people to check out. There will also… read more
UC terminates Elsevier subscriptions
The University of California system is the most recent institution to back away from their Elsevier subscriptions after negotiations failed. UC had been trying to negotiate a deal that would include subscription access to Elsevier journals for their faculty, staff, and students, but that would also include making all UC… read more
Fair Use Workshop Feb. 27th
Fair Use Week takes place from February 25-March 1. It’s an opportunity to celebrate one of the most important, and yet frequently misunderstood, parts of U.S. copyright law. UT Libraries will be celebrating with a workshop about fair use on Wednesday, Feb. 27th from 12:00-1:00pm in PCL Learning Lab 2.… read more
Cleveland Museum of Art
More Public Domain Fun
Last month I talked about all the new content entering the public domain for the first time in twenty years. This month, I want to share some additional resources to consult when trying to find newly public domain materials. Internet Archive – movies collection Center for the Study of the Public… read more
Public Domain Day 2019
From the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8: “The Congress shall have Power…to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” [emphasis mine] January 1, 2019 will mark the first time in… read more