Some folks may recall the open letter in late 2015/early 2016 calling on publishers to require corresponding authors to use ORCID. That letter now has 27 publisher signatories representing 1500 journals. All the publishers who are requiring ORCID are passing that information along to Crossref, which then asks the author’s permission… read more
Short OER video from COERLL
Professional development opportunity and stipend from COERLL
The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) is offering a $500 stipend and professional guidance to graduate student language teachers who are interesting in learning how to create open language learning materials. Students can apply by filling out a project proposal form and submitting it to… read more
Breaking Down Barriers panel discussion
Please join us on Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 1:00pm in the Perry-Castañeda Library for a panel discussion about providing access to information – including disability access, open access to material, web accessibility, and post-custodial access. Event poster You can register for the event through UT Learn to reserve your… read more
COERLL Open Education Week event
The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) is hosting a webinar during Open Education Week (March 27th-31st). The webinar, Going Open in the Language Classroom, features speakers from the Parkway School District and George Mason University. The speakers will discuss the challenges and benefits of working together… read more
Brown Bag Discussion: Misinformation & Fake News
UT Libraries and the Student Association of the School of Information (SASI) co-hosted a brown bag discussion on February 17 to talk about the challenges posed by misinformation, fake news, and the abundance of information (both popular and scholarly). We had a lively discussion with more than twenty attendees from… read more
Happy Fair Use Week!
This week is Fair Use Week and UT Libraries is participating by hosting a Copyright & Fair Use workshop on Wednesday and by joining in the online discussion via social media. If you want to see everything that is happening around the country this week, please see the Association of… read more
Gates Foundation and AAAS OA agreement
You’ve probably already seen the news, but the Gates Foundation and AAAS have come to an agreement that will allow all Gates Foundation funded research to be published with a CC-BY license in Science, Science Translational Medicine, Science Signaling, Science Advances, Science Immunology, and Science Robotics. This now puts Science… read more
Texas ScholarWorks now features the Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles!
The Catalogue consists of accounts of taxa prepared by specialists, including synonymy, description, diagnosis, phylogenetic relationships, published descriptions, illustrations, distribution map, and comprehensive list of literature for each taxon. Over 900 accounts have been published since the initiation of the series in 1963. The series covers amphibians and reptiles of… read more
Next brown bag discussion is about misinformation and fake news
Please join us for our next brown bag discussion on Friday, Feb. 17th, at 12:00pm in PCL Learning Lab 2. We’ll be discussing misinformation, fake news, and the abundance of information available online. We’ll supply some donuts to help fuel the discussion. Please read this article in advance of our… read more